Hello Again Dear Friends and Family, I know it’s been a while since you have heard from me, but, yes, I’m alive and well. Right now, husband, Robert, and I are in Jackson, Mississippi where he was the Dean at Millsaps College for seventeen years.
We are celebrating our second anniversary on this trip, and my respect for this man has deepened as we meet his old friends and the current Dean at Millsaps, who was very excited to meet “Bob King”, his well-known predecessor there.
We stayed at the beautiful Fairview Inn across the street from Millsaps. Here we enjoyed a couple of days and had delightful meals at this renovated Colonial home.
This wonderful trip began in Nashville, TN, where we connected with my California daughter, Shawna, and an old friend, Shawn Gallaway, to attend an exciting music production put on by Shilah, my Nashville daughter. The show was called The Alien Rock Show and featured well known musicians, dancers, and gymnasts (doing flips and splits on poles overhead). A huge video reminiscing “flying through space” flashed lights and colors from the front of the venue. All the performers and most of the audience were in costumes to look like Aliens. It was an amazing experience!
From Nashville Robert and I headed south for 350 miles on the famous Natchez Trace. Originally this was a Native American trail that connected Tennessee, Alabama, and Mississippi. Now it’s a beautiful, protected National Park with historical signs/stories posted along it, and a paved two lane road where you’re only allowed to go 50mph or less.
It has walking trails following the “Trace” of the past and no towns or buildings except a few Visitor Centers with bathrooms. After the loud/wild atmosphere of Nashville, this part of the trip was so soothing . . . driving for hours through the quiet wilderness.
In Tupelo, Mississippi we visited Elvis Presley’s home town. I felt so connected with him and this statue made me want to reach out to his spirit.
Life has been fast paced for me since coming home, starting with a full client TuneUp Day (How I loved seeing and treating old friends for our monthly Friday, 1/2 hr. sessions!)
Immediately, the next day, I got to lead a Springabout Tour, tasting and learning about the amazing healing properties in the different mineral springs of Manitou Springs. These springs all have different minerals, tastes and healing benefits known by the ancient peoples. The last pandemic they were used extensively for was tuberculosis at the turn of the century. They healed many. Why not now with our current COVID pandemic? The Manitou Chamber and The Heritage Center have plenty of maps that contain information about each one’s mineral contents and how the minerals affect the body.
The participants were from Austin, TX, and were Balneology experts. What’s that? It’s the study of the healing properties of bathing in and drinking natural mineral water. Wow, did I pick their brains, as they picked mine on the local history! We were joined by Lyn Ettinger, manager of Sunwater Spa, and Terry Sharpton, longtime president of the Mineral Springs Foundation. What a huge amount of knowledge was shared. I was nervous and studied my material into the night before, but settled soon with these open, friendly, knowledgeable people. We all agreed to stay in touch.
Then . . . the next day, was my Irish Dance group’s annual fall performance in Woodland Park, CO. Was I ready? No! Did I remember all the steps? No! But I had practiced a bit and our teacher, Mickie, was constantly encouraging; “The audience doesn’t know if you’ve missed a step. Just keep going. You’re doing great!” she would say. We made it through, the audience loved it, and, dang, IT WAS FUN!
So, I’m breathing again, starting to slow down, looking forward to my Client Fridays starting up again this week, November 12th. There are still a couple of slots open . . . so come on in! TREAT YOURSELF!
Biodynamic Craniosacral Certification
For Certification in Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy go to the School of Inner Health, now owned and operated by Margaret Rosenau.
Peak Research Institute
Students can study anatomy with in a safe, compassionate laboratory.