Archive for the Craniosacral Category

Wild and Exciting and Yes, can be Exhausting

      Summer has begun. Spring has sprung. Of course we have to connect with every friend and family member we haven’t seen in awhile because winter was too dang busy and maybe a beautiful baby was born, and we haven’t seen our sister, brother or cousin in too long and and . . . Of […]


Transition Time May 2018

Happy time of massive TRANSITION for so many! Many people are telling me of huge life changing events in this spring season . . . births/new babies, deaths, moves, job changes, relationship changes.       Of course I’m checking everyone’s Respiratory Diaphragm . . . and mine as well . . . to make sure we […]


A Blanket of Love Called Snow

A Blanket of Love Called . . . Snow Winter has finally reached Colorado. It has been dark and cold for a week. Now, today, Saturday, February 10th, a layer of white blankets the world around us as I look out the windows of SunWater Spa in Manitou Springs. Each gleaming pine needle is a […]


Holiday Health Support

A STORY:  My friend and housemate, Robert, and I took a walk Friday, out into the pasture lands around Elizabeth, CO. We had had a soothing/nurturing time with his family there the day before…..devouring a luscious Thanksgiving meal, afterwards taking a fun family walk to digest the food, then spent the evening playing games, laughing, […]


Great Heart

Hello Dear Friends and Family,        Yes, I’m alive and well after an exciting first summer of SEMI-RETIREMENT. Oh my God, I think it was the busiest summer I’ve had in years. When people say: “Look out for “Retirement”, you’ll be busier than ever.” . . . well its true!      My last letter […]


Breath of Life Presentation

I was a presenter at the national Breath of Life Conference at beautiful Mount Madonna, California, near Santa Cruz on September 9-14, 2014. My goal at the Conference was to educate and remind people of these skills to work with the respiratory diaphragm. Goal accomplished! Dr. Randolph Stone, Cranial Osteopath of the early 20th century, […]


Presenter at Breath Of Life Conference

I’m presenting at the national Breath of Life Conference at beautiful Mount Madonna, California, near Santa Cruz on September 9-14, 2014. I have found, in my work, so many people in this age of couch & computer/TV sitting, with all of that trauma/drama, compiled with real life drama are shallow breathers without knowing it. Then […]