Erin Go Bragh

Hello To All My Friends And Family,
Erin Go Bragh is the common expression for Irish everywhere and it means “IRELAND FOREVER”.  Happy Irish Day, March 17, 2024!
Wow! Has it really been two months since my last letter? I love old friends from years back who will walk up to me in Natural Grocers, or Costco, or at a hardware store, give me a big hug, remind me who they are, and thank me for this letter. They remind me of all the different “walks in life” I’ve had. It’s so fun! But, you know, if anyone wants to get off my list, just unsubscribe and you will be removed. For me, I love the connection and communication. I’m still working with clients/friends on Fridays . . . doing my best to help with whatever their challenges are. As my eighty-year-old memory begins to forget very technical anatomy, I find that my hands feel and know everything no matter where they are on the body! (AND, of course, I have lots of anatomy books if my mind needs to clarify anything.)
Robert and I are doing well. We recently celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday with a trip to Santa Fe, New Mexico. It was a great time! Here we are at MEOW WOLF.

Then, at a popular Italian restaurant there, we joined the locals in singing with an excellent piano player there. We had a yummy meal, and then, the manager came marching out with his staff, and a beautiful, free desert with candles glowing on top. He waved at the piano player to start playing, and everyone sang Happy Birthday to Robert! Isn’t that cool?
So now I have just finished a seven-hour, online workshop with longtime friend and teacher, Dr. Michael Shea. We took a deep look at Embryology; or how we humans are formed, grow, and how that amazing process is still going on in our adult bodies! It can be felt and encouraged with a certain touch to enhance deep healing anywhere in the body.  I still have much to learn, and it’s exciting to be learning again. I haven’t really studied anything for a couple of years, especially since I sold my school, and, at eighty-one, my brain can still learn!
Other than those studies I’m doing my favorite thing . . . getting outdoors. That’s where our Health is, right? I’m hiking, some biking, Maximum Energetic Lengthening Technique (MELT), Physical Therapy two times/week for a spinal nerve challenge, and . . . I’M DANCING!  Remember I mentioned in my last letter that my spiritual teacher said: “Keep on dancing!” So I am. I found a Zumba class with a very talented East Indian dancer and teacher. It’s great fun, and I haven’t wriggled my fingers and hips like that since I was in my 20’s, when I performed with a Middle Eastern dance troupe in Northern California, and it seems to still be inherent in my body. So, is there anything physical that you’d like to try, that, maybe, you did in your youth, and assume now, that it’s gone? No! it’s still there! Go for it!
I’m happy to be in touch with all you longtime friends and family through these letters. I’ve not been too good at responding to your replies online in the past, as I’m rarely online. But I’m going to work at being better at responding. Promise. It is absolutely exciting to remember the times we’ve had together. And to possibly even plan something together in the future. I just went skiing with my old friend and colleague, Robin, who I haven’t seen in several years. We rode the chairs lifts, caught up with each other’s lives, and had so much fun, we’re going skiing again next week!
One of my favorite towns, Manitou Springs, just celebrated their 31st CARNIVALE parade with a theme of ARTOPIA. I had heard from a friend earlier, that an artist, Sophia Hernandez Crade, was working hard to create a giant puppet of my dear old friend, and beloved artist, Rockey, who died a few years ago. So, I had to go see this for myself. OMG! It was incredible. It looked so much like him; I had tears in my eyes. He traveled on a forklift and his head turned as he smiled on the cheering crowds. Of course, the judges awarded the first place prize to the artist for the best entry in this year’s theme.
On Thursday, March 14, 2024, we were in the middle of the biggest snowstorm Colorado has had in many years, according to locals.

Businesses closed, meetings and appointments were cancelled, and everyone“hunkered in” . . . except for our Plow Guy, Ryan, and our dedicated Green Mountain Falls maintenance team who were out plowing the roads at five in the morning. Our mayor was out in his little scooter plow helping people dig out. I made some nice, healthy/yummy brownies to say thanks to them. Neighbors were checking in with each other to see if anyone needed help and all had enough food. (This is one of the reasons I love this little town.)
The birds are everywhere around the feeders. Robert and I spent some time sitting by the fireplace watching the birds, drinking tea, relaxing. After such a busy few weeks, we were “forced” to relax.
Warmly, Kathleen

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