Great Heart

Hello Dear Friends and Family,
     Yes, I’m alive and well after an exciting first summer of SEMI-RETIREMENT. Oh my God, I think it was the busiest summer I’ve had in years. When people say: “Look out for “Retirement”, you’ll be busier than ever.” . . . well its true!
     My last letter was in June, after just returning from Ireland. Then, Two weeks later, I flew to San Diego to connect with my daughter, Shawna, and head south into Mexico to get some much needed dental work done, afterwards spending some fun time, camping our way down the west coast of Baja, and came back just in time for a birthday camp out her friends had put together for her, on a southern California beach.
    And then, two weeks after that, my singer friend, Shawn Gallaway, that I told you about, arrived to do a great concert and workshop at Sunwater Spa in Manitou. Well, people enjoyed and were inspired by him and he promised to come back. At that first concert he connected with our famous, 80+ year old artist here, Charles Rockey. Now they are about to put together a song about Rocky’s beautiful artwork! Since that first visit Shawn has been awarded the Global Peace Prize for his music! Now, Shawn and Kat Tudor, one of the owners and inspiration of Sunwater Spa have decided to collaborate with Barry and Janae Weinhold, psychologists/international teachers, and put together a GRAND CELEBRATION for EARTHDAY WEEKEND, APRIL 21st & 22nd. Wow! So Shawn Gallaway is coming back! Get it on your calendar because it will be a DON’T MISS IT CELEBRATION about healing our hearts; our earth; our waters. Go to and listen to the video called “UNIFY”, feel the inspiration. You can watch it on You tube with this link:  
     I’m hoping Rocky will be a part of it, and even, perhaps our local Native American nation; The Northern Ute people.
     And what perfect timing! Friends from around America all agree: WE ARE IN TURBULENT TIMES! From a president that we’re not sure who or what he “stands for”, to amazing earth uprisings: hurricanes, earthquakes, to horrible tragedies caused by confused, angry humans . . . we can all agree: IT’S AN INTENSE TIME!
       “What can I do?” . . . my mind keeps crying out. “Spirit” took care of me. The next day I was hiking with my old friend, Charlotte, a long time minister, I asked “What can I do?” Calmly she said: “When the people of a country went to Mother Theresa, saying: “You do such great things! What can we do for our country?” Mother Theresa told them, clearly and calmly: “DO SMALL THINGS WITH A GREAT HEART!” Aaaahhh . . . so simple and perfect.

     Yes, it’s an intense time . . . and, the midst of it all, the beautiful butterflies are fluttering by, trees are brilliant yellows and oranges. I’m finding more people on the streets are looking at each other and smiling as they pass. While driving after dark a couple of nights ago, I came on a man with his  car parked in the middle of a country road, flashing his lights to slow everyone down while a herd of elk crossed the road! And a friend who swims with and knows the dolphins in the Florida Keys (which just got buried in the hurricane) ju

st told me:  
Shawn Gallaway sings:
            “In these troubled times, lighten up and let loose
            Asking ourselves: Hey what would love choose?
            I feel the answer lies in me and you each day . . .
            Let’s Play! Dancing our worries away.           
Let’s Play . . .  
     So . . . I had a recent wonderful connection with my stepdaughter, Shilah. She came to Colorado, traveling with a band she manages, The Mavericks. We had time to “Play” around our mountains and I took her on a favorite trail to The Garden of Eden, above Green Mtn. Falls . . . where her father’s ashes are buried . . . right next to a small bridge he had started to build for the trail. After his ceremony, our friends went up there and finished building the bridge! It’s called Steve’s Bridge.
     Now, finally, after 40 years of teaching and working in the business of Wholistic Therapy; Cranial Sacral, Lymphatic, Essential Oils, Massage . . . I realize . . . I NEED TO RAISE MY PRICES!! I care a lot for all of you and feel fortunate to work with you. But I must do it to cover business expenses, taxes, etc. STARTING IN DECEMBER . . . my hour and a half treatments will go from $90 to $95. The ½ hour TuneUp appointments will go from $25 to $30. It doesn’t seem like much but, wow, has this been hard for me to do! I hope you understand.
     Onward! I’m studying and processing “Healing Developmental Trauma” with my old friends, Barry and Janae Weinhold, to gain more emotional insight and skill to help my clients with. Of course, this work begins with my own history and has inspired me to reconnect with members of my family that I haven’t talked to in months . . . even years! Shawna, my daughter, for my 75th birthday this December, has offered to drive me to my hometown of Grass Valley, California, to visit my brother, sister, cousin and the places and people of my youth. What a potential deepening this will be!
     Isn’t life magnificent??? If we just keep our hearts open and . . . DO SMALL THINGS WITH A GREAT HEART!
                    With warm loving blessings to you all,          

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