Happy New Decade!

January 7, 2020
Dear Friends, Family, and Clients All,
     Here’s a Cosmic Beginning: As I sit here in Memorial Hospital waiting for an Ultrasound on my varicose veins as I do some New Year physical check-ins, I’m struck by the humans around me . . . some barely able to walk, others in wheelchairs, bent over, their caregiver describing to the staff about the heart attack that just happened. My heart is starting to pump faster as a nervous fear builds . . . at 77 years that could be me! Then I open my beautiful “Inner Reflections” appointment book and read this piece by Paranahansa Yogananda:

         “Whether floating in birth, or disappearing in death,
          In the ocean of cosmic awareness
          the bubble of my life cannot die.
          I am indestructible consciousness
          Protected in the bosom of Spirit.”

   Ahhhhh, my heart settles as I do a few rounds of my mantra and reconnect with Spirit. Then, after a couple of hours of testing my veins with Hank, the capable vascular technician, I walk out of the hospital smiling and nodding at the people in pain . . . thanking the staff for their compassion . . . and watching smiles light the faces of almost everyone. And it’s off to the rest of my day. All is well.
     So I’m sure you want to hear about my trip to Peru with my beloved daughter, Shawna.
     Oh, it was all that I’d dreamed of . . . breathtaking beauty, fascinating stories and history of the culture, connection with Shawna, physical exercise and also more than I’d bargained for on the rocky incline of the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu. I call it: The Manitou Incline X 10!
It was built by generations of strong short mountain people; the Incas.
The air is different there, so, though I live at 8,000 feet, I was gasping for air at 6,000 feet. Shawna and our great tour guide, James, were kind enough to carry my pack . . . with James insisting that I stop every 5 steps and breathe. It worked. I drank water constantly and . . . I MADE IT TO THE TOP!


    At 77 years I feel embarrassed to admit to being embarrassed that I couldn’t keep up with the 20 year olds . . . but everyone on the tour was kind, helpful, supporting so, two days later, when we started up 15,000 foot Rainbow Mountain, I TOOK A HORSE!
    With a horse named Eva, and a strong Inca man, who runs with Eva up the mountain several times a day, the adventure was a miracle of fun. Most of the others, including Shawna, got sick with the altitude, and I did not. Plenty of water, the Incan Coca tea, and with a horse between my legs . . . I was fine.
    This all came about because Shawna is in training with a company that teaches people with various online businesses to be able to work with foreign countries. Shawna is a Spa Consultant and speaks fluid Spanish, hence South America. The group started in Ecuador, then Peru, now Chile, and finally Mexico, with a month in each country.
They are fed, housed, introduce
d to the people and culture through various tours like Machu Picchu, and trained to work their businesses online for that culture.
     As Mama, it opened my heart to see Shawna taking to it like a “duck to water” and even winning a Bingo game of questions about the culture.
     So now, it’s onward into the NEW DECADE!
Robert and I have had three and one half months to relearn the life of MARRIAGE. It’s not always easy, but we’re convinced we did the right thing. I’ve never had a husband so kind, supportive, safe, and fun. In two weeks we’re heading for Mexico together to see my favorite dentist, Cinthya, and do some exploring around that country.
     Yes, I’m still working three days a week; Wednesday thru Friday, offering Craniosacral, Lymphatic, Essential Oils Raindrop, Massage, and some Somato Trauma Release therapies. I LOVE MY WORK! My example is Dear Vivian Rice; now 92 years old, and still working.
     So, I’ll be at Sunwater Spa, Manitou(Cranial in the water}, and my office; Heart of Manitou through January 17th, then back again January 29th.
     Call that 719-213-1066 number for an appointment. Robert will call you back to schedule an appointment. Right?
And our TuneUp Day schedule has started . . . 1/2 hour treatments on the First Friday of each month for just $30 . . . It’s a perfect “Pick-Me-Up” after a trip, family visit, holiday, or anything stressful to mind/body.
   I love seeing you all and promise to use all my skills to help you to a place of balance and relaxation.
     This is something I’m actively working on in myself . . .
                                                    My love to you all,

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