So while I was down the Ute Pass, in Colorado Springs, I figured it was a good time to get my medical stuff organized . . . like: What is my Medicare Supplemental, exactly, and What does it do? Why are two different primary care docs calling me and wanting me to book appointments? Why did PT suddenly say that they don’t work with the doc I’ve been with for a year? Some health issues have surfaced, and I have to book an MRI, Blood labs, and a Neurology check. How? Plus, LOOK OUT! When you turn 80 years old, no matter how healthy you are, you’re supposed to get yearly Heart, Hearing, Vision, Blood Pressure, Mammogram (for women . . . for men, it’s Prostate), checkups, and all these providers start calling you to get you booked. It’s a bit overwhelming. But, hey, I’ve always been a “health nut”. So I’m a very healthy 80 year old. Some back issues have come up (probably due to all the hauling and lifting I mentioned in the last letter when we had our carpets redone). And my blood pressure is a bit high, probably due to how active I always am . . . have a hard time slowing down. So, I’m being a good girl and doing all the labs and checkups. But it’s a lot and I got overwhelmed today, until I connected with a lovely woman, Robin, at the Medicare Resource Center. She answered all questions, helped me establish priorities and book appointments one at a time over several weeks.