Posts Tagged Health

Aging Gracefully With Family

Well, I hope that you all had a happy, healthy, and fun Christmas. And now, I suspect we’re all happy to be home . . . quiet . . . catching up on messages, emails, phone calls, and reconnecting with each other . . . right? Here it is; a beautiful, blue sky day in Colorado. […]


Pressure Cooking Energy

August 2024 Newsletter: I’ve been thinking and dreaming about so many of you these last weeks. There was the full moon, and so many unusual and interesting patterns in the planets during the last month that have been occurring according to our Astrologer. Then, the huge shuffling in our USA government for several weeks that […]


Learning to Take Care of Ourselves

WELL . . . this year is almost complete. Hooray!   Astrologer, David Pond, says: “Keep heart, the end of this heavy energy is close upon us. Put up some holiday lights to lift your spirit, and in general, this is a good week to get your woo-woo on!”            So it’s definitely been a year of learning, […]