Posts Tagged Take care of yourself

Summer in the Colorado Mountains

A gorgeous, sunny Monday morning is calling me outside. It’s that time of year in the mountains of Colorado . . . sunny morning, then, often rainy afternoon. It reminds me of the old days when I used to train for the Pike’s Peak Marathon with record-holder, Matt Carpenter, and his Incline Club. Matt told us […]


Erin Go Bragh

Hello To All My Friends And Family, Erin Go Bragh is the common expression for Irish everywhere and it means “IRELAND FOREVER”.  Happy Irish Day, March 17, 2024! Wow! Has it really been two months since my last letter? I love old friends from years back who will walk up to me in Natural Grocers, […]


Back Home to the USA


Eclipse Season and Travel News

   We’re almost into 2024!  Wow! Where did 2023 go? I wonder if this will be as wild a year as 2023 . . . eclipses, surprises, twelve months of “the unexpected” popping up in all directions. Yet also, many of us decided to do unusual fun things . . . like travel and connect […]


Joy In The Gap

        Has it really been four months since our my last newsletter?? OMG!!How has your summer been going? Has it been wild, fun, family filled, adventuring, and, sometimes, exhausting? I had a magical moment with family on our deck with a rainbow behind them.     That’s been my summer. I’ve been […]


Chunks of Life and Weather News

It’s been a while, so this letter is in CHUNKS of time, weather, and adventures. March 23,2023: For us in Colorado it’s been snow, then rain, then beautiful sunshine . . . then rain, snow, then another beautiful day. It’s called SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES. I love it! Today is a beautiful day and my […]


Happy New Year 2023

Greetings to my friends all over the world, I say “all over the world” because I’ve just returned from North India where I met or connected with friends from all over the US, Spain, New Zealand, Australia, Hawaii, India, England . . . and, then my daughter, Shawna, who I haven’t seen in months, is […]


If you do not like the weather

    Wow! It’s raining again today . . . every day.  The Hollyhocks and all their flowery friends love it. They are taller than me now . . . covered with flowers of every color.       Thank you, Great Spirit, for making the earth so happy. OH, AND NOW . . . THERE’S THE SUN BACK!    […]


Hawaiian Adventure

Dear Friends and Family, ALOHA! Oh, it was a wonderful experience. We were all seniors (24 of us) traveling with a tour group called: Road Scholars to four different islands: Big Island, Maui, Malokai, and Oahu. We had great native guides who introduced us to sacred places, trails through the jungle, along beaches, exploration of […]


An Unforgettable Time of Growth

Dear, Dear Friends and Family,   As we go continue through this emotional, unforgettable time in our lives . . . in our country . . . in our world, I find myself going up and down and up and down emotionally. When I look at my comfortable life and warm home I wonder “why?” Well, remember, […]